Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Workshop Reflection: Annotated Bibliogpraphy

1. Most of my group members told me about grammar and sentence structure. Xaiver asked me a few questions throughout my paper showing me that I need to take my ideas a little bit further. in a few places he used the words "did what?" I can see now that I can further explain just how each article is helping me. He also told me about how I had to much repetition at one point. MC reminded me that I cannot have the extra space between paragraphs. He also challenged my use of quoting in my second bibliography. He wanted to know just how a certain quote would fit in with my paper. This showed me that I also need further explanation in this area of my paper. Joey challenged one of my entire articles to see if it really fit in with my topic. After rethinking it, I think I will be doing away with that entire article in general. It was adding too much information that really didn't help either side of my argument.

2.The most helpful piece of advice I received was from Joey to get rid of one of my entire articles. I am now forced to search for more topics, however in the end I think that is what will make my paper stronger, because I wont have extra fluff, that will do nothing but bore my audience.

3. The least helpful piece of advice I received are small comments on grammar, and paragraph structure. These are easy fixes and I probably could have noticed them myself. However I'm still have I have three extra sets of eyes to look at it before Megan does.

4. First I must find two more articles and write bibliographies on them. Research is my favorite part of writing the paper because it is what builds the paper up. Now that I've discussed the two sides of my topic with my group I now have a better understanding of what my audience wants to hear, especially when it comes to each side of my argument. I know the strong points of each side that I need to make, I just have to find the right articles to back myself up. Also I still need to find the right book because I have had little to no luck so far.

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