Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Workshop Reflection

I am not gonna lie. I was in no way excited for this workshop thing. Before, I never liked when other students read my writing, but this really changed my perspective.

My advice:
MC-He said the number one thing I needed to do was to elaborate more on private schools, i.e. How they teach, their structure of classes and what makes them have higher test scores. He also brought up some other really great points about the social class article and ADD/ADHAD medication that really tie in to my essay really well. It was great to see a different perspective and what other topics are brought up into the readers mind when they read it.

Xavier-He has a completely different writing style than me. So he makes great points about word order and small ways to make my sentences sound much stronger. He really drove me to prove my topics and back up things I say about the past in schools and how different our beliefs were as humans. He would point out sentences and then tell me how I really need to elaborate more.

Joey-His essay is so different from mine, so he sounded really excited to talk about mine. He really wanted me to strive to back up my essay, along with what Xavier said. He also noticed sentences that really leave the reader wanting to know more about what I was trying to say. He believed that I should hit the ground running with each and every point I make.

The most helpful piece of advice I got was elaborating on the time when the first standardized test was made. It is one of my main points and adding more to why it is so old and how much we as human beings have changed is something I really need to elaborate.

I think all advice is good advice but the lowest of it is probably grammar mistakes.

The first thing I'm reviving on my essay is those silly little grammar mistakes. They are small and easy to fix and absolutely have to go! Next I have to research more about private schools, because other than what I've heard from a friend, I'm so clueless! Lastly I will elaborate more of every sentence where my group felt confused, and then add at least a paragraph on life in the 20's and how standardized testing just doesn't belong in our world anymore. Even though it isnt what I want to research I think schools are driven by standardized testing and I want to see the difference in schools that dont have it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think our group was really focused and did very well. I honestly think what made our group stand out from the others (overhearing what they were saying) was that we had a open level of communication and didn't hold back or sugar coat what we wanted to say. We were honest with each other, but not overly critical and joked about our mistakes.
