Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Self-Assessment Reflection: Comic Analysis

1. My goals for writing this paper is to really, repaint the comics and let the audience even see how to really look and analyze the picture. However I wanted to make sure they stayed with me. I never wanted to take it too far. I think I did a good job, judging by the comment I received from my group before. They told me I could take it just a little bit further and thats what I did.
2. I definitely used my class time. I love my group, and their advice. Were really able to be real with each other without taking it the wrong way. I think its because we all actually CARE about our papers. Time wasn't really a factor for this paper. I think I was a lot less stressed compared to the exploratory proposal, probably because I had never done something like it.
3. I took advantage of my peers advice. I feel as thought their advice is just as important to my paper as I feel my own view of my paper. My work with my group is just very casual and I never thought it could be that way.
4. My group contributed, obviously. And my friend Logan who attended both public and private school who was my inspiration for the idea in general.
5. I've learned that I'm a strong writer who can be stronger. It's a humbling challenge and I love it. Writing, is a school assignment I actually dont mind.
6. The hardest part was finding the comics. It was like two hours worth of searching. I'd find one but then its be hard to pose it against the other until I finally came up with these two. 
7. I feel like my paper flows in a way that I cant really split it into parts. I just like it in general because its a topic i would never talk about, unless I had to talk about school. Which brings out my passion for how a student should feel in school.
8. I'm not sure where my paper still needs improvement but I'm sure Megan and my group will let me know about that. At first my paper was in first person, because I missed the class prior to my paper. So I changed that and I think that really made a huge difference and made it more..idk...better? I cannot think of a better word for better.
9. Searching for these comics is where I spent the bulk of my time, because once I knew I had strong enough comics I flew with the writing. I think it took me less than an hour and a half to go over the images and write the paper. When I have the right thing to talk about I can say what I need to say and get it out and thats what I was able to do here.

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